Now Accepting New Patients

John G. Murray Jr. Chiropractic

10 Anderson Rd.
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 638-4144

Don’t Be Complacent



Taking more inspiration from classic rock, today’s thought comes from “Uncle John’s Band,” and it is about how complacency can be a corrosive force in our lives.

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.[/quote]

When we get complacent about our lives, our diet, our movement, and our health, that is when problems arise. That is because complacency breeds weakness and a lack of discipline.

So stay motivated. Think about those times in your life when you struggled, but you had that fire to get through it and to make things better. Thinking this way can help avoid being complacent and believing that life is easy street. Because for many of us right now, it’s not.

So my suggestion to you is if you are looking for answers, come to us – we’ll give you some help. We can give you the tools on how to better take care of yourself and get back on the road to good health. Because when you’re healthy you can accomplish anything, even in the toughest of times.

So don’t get complacent; Come in and talk to us about how to eat well, think well. Come in and get adjusted – your body functions better when there is less nerve interference.

Because when you’re you will always have a vigor for life and that more than anything defeats complacency.

Picture of Dr. John Murray

Dr. John Murray

"Empowering our patients to understand that their lifestyle choices make a difference is the greatest thing we can do."