Today’s subject is about the interconnectedness of life, which is to say that we are all connected.
Here is a passage from a mentor of mine Dr. Fred Schofield:
When I prosper you prosper. When you prosper I prosper. When you’re strong, I’m strong. When I’m strong, you’re strong. When I’m healthy, you’re healthy. When you’re healthy, I’m healthy. Feel this infinite prosperity, this radiance, within yourself first. And then reach out, and radiate outward into your perfect life. Into your family. Into your home. Into your office. Free of all limitations.
We are connected. When I go off to study a new technique on how to help you get better, you are already improving. You come to our office for a reason – you chose it for a reason, and I appreciate that. And so, you were meant to be here, to receive to what we have to give. And I in turn am receiving what you have to give, and I grow every time I take care of you.
It’s is a symbiotic relationship, that is mutually beneficial. I’m happiest when I’m in my office serving people. And the key thing is it’s helping you help yourself.
It’s human nature to want to stay centered, but we need to move out from our shells and experience different things in life. Realize that every constructive thing you do is going to come back and benefit you. For example, when I’m excited in my Chiropractic office in Clinton, NJ, my children who are in Chiropractic school in Davenport, Iowa seem to also get excited at the same time – things are interconnected, they travel.
So don’t be afraid to move from your center because life is motion. If you’re static, you’re flat-lining.
I benefit when you move, so please keep moving. You’ll benefit if I move and get out of my comfort zone… I’m studying harder than I ever have in the last 30 years, and I love it, it’s keeping me growing. If I grow, you grow. If I’m healthier, you’re healthier. If I’m studying, you’re going to receive the benefit of that. So stay motivated and stay fired up!