Now Accepting New Patients

John G. Murray Jr. Chiropractic

10 Anderson Rd.
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 638-4144

Positive Thinking And Your Health


220px-Pretzel_Logic_albumGreat teachings can come from a variety of places, and one of my favorites is music, in particular classic rock. An example of this can be found in Steely Dan’s “Any Major Dude Will Tell You”.

Life can be challenging, from injuries to loss of loved ones, there can be many demons that come to your door. But in the face of tough times it’s important to remember to persevere.

Positive thinking and your health are interrelated. You can make a difference even in the toughest of times by focusing on things in your control, like how you think, how you move, and how you eat.


[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]These three fundamental ideas are the basis for our Life is Motion philosophy and can be the difference in your life.[/quote]

By surrounding yourself with positivity and movement and the right foods, you avoid the stagnation that can lead to dis-ease. So remember these thoughts and tomorrow morning that daemon won’t be at your door.

Picture of Dr. John Murray

Dr. John Murray

"Empowering our patients to understand that their lifestyle choices make a difference is the greatest thing we can do."