Now Accepting New Patients

John G. Murray Jr. Chiropractic

10 Anderson Rd.
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 638-4144


simple neck stretching exercise

A Simple Neck Stretching Exercise

Hello, Dr. John Murray here with a really simple neck stretching exercise. Chiropractic isn’t about treating your systems. It’s about optimizing life expression. The fact


Heart Rate Strata

Hello, Dr. John here and I want to talk to you a little bit about improving your adaptability as far as endurance, recovery, and just



Hi, I’m Dr. John. If you had a couple seconds to look at the following table, you’ll see there’s a contrast. When we talk about


Chiropractic For Quality of Life

At Murray Chiropractic, our philosophy is that of wellness – chiropractic for quality of life. Thing about it… Why do people want to see a