Now Accepting New Patients

John G. Murray Jr. Chiropractic

10 Anderson Rd.
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 638-4144


Healthy Mind

Cause of Dis-Ease

People are never really told the reason why their bodies break down. When you’re in the womb, all of the resources that your mother has


Wellness Supplements

Hello, Dr. John here. I just want to talk a little bit about wellness supplements today. I get asked all the time, “What supplements should


Tips for Good Holiday Health

Hello, Dr. John here. We’re coming into the holiday season. We just got out of Halloween, and we’re coming into Thanksgiving within the next week


The Body’s Miraculous Potential

Hello, Dr. John here, and today I’d like to discuss the body’s miraculous potential. Everybody wants the next miracle this, or that. Be it the



Hi, I’m Dr. John. If you had a couple seconds to look at the following table, you’ll see there’s a contrast. When we talk about


Master the Sensory Pathway

The sensory pathway is pivotal to good health. In today’s topic I’m going to tell you how to master the body’s cycle of processing input