Now Accepting New Patients

John G. Murray Jr. Chiropractic

10 Anderson Rd.
Clinton, NJ 08809
(908) 638-4144

healthy mind


The Body’s Miraculous Potential

Hello, Dr. John here, and today I’d like to discuss the body’s miraculous potential. Everybody wants the next miracle this, or that. Be it the


Chiropractic For Quality of Life

At Murray Chiropractic, our philosophy is that of wellness – chiropractic for quality of life. Thing about it… Why do people want to see a

Healthy Mind


Today’s subject is about the interconnectedness of life, which is to say that we are all connected.

Healthy Mind

Don’t Be Complacent

Taking more inspiration from classic rock, today’s thought comes from “Uncle John’s Band,” and it is about how complacency can be a corrosive force in our

Healthy Mind

Positive Thinking And Your Health

Great teachings can come from a variety of places, and one of my favorites is music, in particular classic rock. An example of this can